The Power of a Free Photo!
To share moments of solace, joy, and beauty among cancer patients and survivors by connecting affected individuals and families to Professional Fine Art Photography at no cost.
Our team of professionals works with each person in order to help them look their best, both on and off the camera. We will guide you through a professional camera shoot that will make you feel great and provide you with portraits you will be proud to share with others. Whether taking them just for you, to share with your family, or to give to friends, we can help you create a lasting beautiful image.
Make Up.
Cameras Over Cancer Initiative
Are you or someone you know suffering from a terminal cancer? Cancer support group? If so, you may already know that one of things that can happen is that the cancer patients feel less than beautiful. All the treatments and stress can leave the person feeling run down, worn out, and longing for a break from it all. We'd like to help! We have developed a program that will make you feel on top of the world for a day, and create positive lasting memories.
It may not be a cure, but we are helping people to feel their best again, one portrait shoot at a time. Let us help you feel and look great, and preserve those images. Contact us today with information about how you can arrange a Cameras Over Cancer Shoot!
We intend to provide new light for those battling a terminal diagnosis.